
All the latest news from Latis Scientific...

This month Latis hosted the bi-annual meeting of the Standing Committee of Analysts .

The Standing Committee of Analysts (SCA) comprises a series of working groups who provide guidance on methods of sampling and analysis for determining the quality of environmental matrices. Guidance is published as Blue Books within the series Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated materials.

The meeting took place on the 12th of May in London and discussed updates on subjects including microbiology of Drinking Water, microbiology of Water and Associated Materials, microbiology of Recreational and Environmental Waters (2000), microbiology of Sewage Sludge and Legionella.

Latis were pleased to present our current projects and innovations that are developed or tested in laboratories belonging to the group. This presentation highlighted our ambitions and potential to make the difference, in particular in the field of water testing, where classical sample taking/transportation/concentration/testing could be at least supported if not replaced (in some cases) by new and revolutionary techniques.



  • Latis Scientific (38)