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Latis Scientific Relocation Complete

  • Latis Scientific

We are delighted to announce that the Latis Scientific relocation to Crayford is now complete.

We are now based in a purpose-built facility, where our laboratory and administration departments are together. Our new premises will allow Latis to continue offering reliable services in the future, whilst meeting our current growth requirements.

Our new address is Unit C1, Acorn Industrial Estate, Crayford, DA1 4AL.

Due to this move, there are some changes to our drop off facilities. Namely, our previous Barbican and Greenwich laboratory sites are now drop off points with Barbican being a manned drop off point. Updated information and opening times can be found in our logistics brochure here.

If you have any specific questions about the move, please contact your Account Manager or Client Liaison Officer on 020 8853 3900.


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